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Helping the modern professional find calm and reconnection to what is truly important in life.
Promoting healing, health and mindfulness in the modern world through Zenthai Shiatsu body work ( massage) | Reiki healing | Yoga | Meditation and Zenthai Shiatsu Flow (Yoga & QiGong)
Stress in the modern world is at an all time high. It‘s at pandemic levels but it‘s considered as one of those things you can’t avoid so you should just learn to cope as best as you can.
The thing is most people are not coping with it very well, their mental and physical health is suffering, they feel constantly tired and run down, the rates of sickness continue to rise and they seem to get more sick more often and take longer to recover.
Sound familiar?
Where modern western medicine has its place in acute and emergency situations the eastern philosophies about “healthcare” focus on the ongoing care of one’s health and maintaining a healthy, balanced and relaxed body which in turn creates the best environment for your body to heal itself.
Nigel Airey
Many would say that I have had a very blessed life. I have travelled the world as a commercial pilot and visited many amazing places (both the well known destinations and the very remote, little heard of places). I have also worked for a number of years as a frontline Paramedic and have had the honour of witnessing firsthand the beginning and the end of life, as well as many raw and beautiful moments between.
So I have been an “observer“. I have seen the world from thousands of feet above detached and impartial, seeing the bigger picture. And I have seen life right up close and intimately personal.
Through these perspectives I saw the ever widening gap in our modern lives. The ever increasing stress and growing unhappiness, and a willingness to accept the toxic social environment we find ourselves in.
These aren’t revelations, most of us know it, but what many aren’t aware of is just how big an impact this has on our bodies; physically, mentally and energeticallly.
I was equally guilty of this as it took me a number of life changing events before I started to appreciate it and before I chose a new path of Mindfulness, Yoga, Reiki and ZenThai Shiatsu and to take these forms of healing, relaxation and connection and share them with others so they may also benefit as I have.
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